Foundations for Christ responds to the current needs of the members of the East African community, which is ever evolving. Our core mission at Foundations for Christ, Inc. is healthy flooring options for families living in homes with dirt floors.
Our Foundation Families are selected by an ecumenical council of pastors based on the needs of those living in the villages they serve. The criteria for family selection includes families living in homes with dirt floors making less than 500USD per year. Our work in the village continues until the village is complete. Working with the pastors’ council ensures that we are addressing the greatest need first and protects us against arbitrary selection.
We have met the needs of the poor in six completed projects. Four families were helped impacting the lives of nearly 20 members of the community. We have also worked with two churches whose building conditions prevented them from meeting for worship and praise. Our efforts have helped them to reach hundreds with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our efforts to serve the Lord has inspired others in the region to get involved. It was exciting to see the Anglican Church of Rwanda, Ruhanga Parish along with Compassion International Rwanda both contributed to the work being done for the four families so that we were able to accomplish even more than we planned to achieve.
Our flooring ministry currently accounts for 39% of our mission activity with an average cost per home of $735. The Foundations Families thank you for your generosity and they are praising the Lord Jesus Christ for working through you to help those living in poverty.
Foundations Seminary for Rwandan Pastors
For the teaching ministry, we are strategic in our location selection to provide opportunity across the country. We are centrally located in each of the most populated areas. We keep classes small to provide the greatest impact on the ministers we teach.
Our Foundations Conferences began in May of 2022 and since that time we have held five conferences feeding 37+ pastors with instruction on rightly dividing the Word of Truth. The curriculum includes includes the following
Expository Preaching
Interpretation of Biblical Prophecy
Understanding Biblical Doctrines
In Rwanda, we have two classes of pastors going through the curriculum. One is located in the capitol city of Kigali and the other is located in the Northern Province in the city of Base. We are currently teaching the expository preaching curriculum to over 100 pastors in Zimbabwe using the virtual tools and methods we all learned during the pandemic. We are planning for an in-person conference in September 2023.
Our Foundations Conference ministry represents 40% of our mission activity with an average cost of $50 per attendee. You can make a huge difference in saving souls by helping teach those who teach others which multiples your impact exponentially!
Inspire Action Mission (I AM) – Prison Outreach
In an effort to reduce prison violence and improve recidivism rates in the world’s prisons, Foundations for Christ, Inc. began feeding inmates with the Word of God. Inmates who send us a letter requesting a Bible receive an Inspire Creative Journaling Bible. Our first Bible was sent to the Federal Corrections Institute in Tallahasse, FL in April 2021 and since that time we have helped 63 inmates get closer to Jesus Christ.
For the Bible distribution program, we rely on inmate requests to help ensure our resources make lasting change in the name of Christ. When inmates hear of our program from other inmates, we must first receive a request from them personally for them to receive a Bible along with a short testimony of why they are interested in studying God’s word. In return, we send them a Bible. This helps to ensure genuine interest and to protect us against those who just want something for free.
Testimonials from inmates
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of the Bibles you are putting into the hands of the women here in Tallahassee. They are being put to good use. God Bless you & your project.
Valeri F. | Inmate
Hi! I think what your outreach is doing is wonderful. Those of us incarcerated could use more people like you. Thank you!
Maggie M. | Inmate
I am interested in getting one of your Inspire Bibles. While in county, I had a friend that had one and it got us through some very hard times. It’s amazing! I am serving a 16-year sentence and I know that this Bible will be my best companion. Thank you!
Adriana C. | Inmate
I am a federal inmate with a 20-year sentence. I recently dedicated my life to God and have signed up for an 18-month faith-based program. The Bible you sent will help me as I begin this journey.
Sonya P. | Inmate
I am thankful for great people like you who do things for people like us. I may be in prison, but I am not a bad person.
Melissa F. | Inmate
The I AM Mission is currently 15% of our overall mission activity with an average cost of $27 to help someone in prison get to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
We will continue to make tours across parts of Rwanda that have been the most affected by social and climate devastation and learn where our mission will have the greatest impact in the region.