Foundations for Christ is a worldwide mission organization that focuses on improving the physical, emotional, and spiritual lives of the impoverished, the untrained and the incarcerated by loving like Jesus loved with trust, empathy, and thoughtfulness.
The Heart of our Mission
Foundations for Christ is inspired by the strength and power of helping underserved children and families and passionately transforms their current circumstances while seeking to provide them with a more secure future. We instill confidence and determination by affording families a better and more favorable living space. We work with families and children from underserved communities where poverty is prevalent, to help them live better lives and discover paths that will afford them a more assured life path. Our goal is to foster a sense of community by offering a safe space for the community to live a healthy and comfortable life. Our foundation will serve as a symbol of the unflinching faith that ties our souls to our works.
The success of Foundations for Christ is measured through our ability to live through our vision to create a supportive, unrelenting community of healthy and inclusive lives. The more we can save the lives of children, the greater the influence we have on the surrounding community. Thus, it is vital that Foundations for Christ be awarded monetary funding to assist in these projects, which would allow us to better continue our journey and fulfill our mission.
The Needs We Are Addressing
Well over 80% of the country is rural and a similar number of citizens rely on subsistence farming. Some rankings place Rwanda among the 20 poorest countries in the world. Rwanda’s gross domestic product per capita for 2021 was $834. As a result, many families in Rwanda live in homes with dirt floors. Dirt floors become a breeding ground for mosquitos, bacteria, and other parasites and the dust from the dirt floors causes them to be inhaled by those living in the homes. This creates a health crisis for those living in poverty. Diarrhoea is the leading cause of death for children in Rwanda. We, therefore, strive to help the Rwandan Community, primarily children, and seek to afford them better-living standards that in turn will lead to a healthy and prosperous life. We believe the greatest hope can be found between the minute and the hour and we strive to be a hand that helps today’s African families towards a brighter future. The concrete floors installed by Foundations for Christ change this reality and can save the lives of over 20,000 Rwandan children every year!
In Rwanda, a theological college is a rare treasure – as are well-trained Bible teachers. Only around five percent of Rwandan pastors have received formal theological training, and regulations from the Rwandan parliament require pastors to hold at least a bachelor’s in theology or a similar field to lead a church. The cost of education is prohibitively high, preventing these leaders from returning to school. This means many pastors find themselves unequipped to disciple their congregations, provide counselling for church members, plant a church, or adequately study and teach the Scripture.
In addition, most Rwandan pastors do not receive any kind of financial support from their congregations. In fact, it is common for congregation members to run to the pastor for financial assistance. To be a pastor is to be a father.
These two factors further make it very difficult for a pastor to travel to Kigali to get training. They cannot raise funds for transport to the capital or pay course fees, besides all the other expenses connected to learning.
Foundations for Christ is an impactful and vital resource for the families in Rwanda and we are eager to gain access to monetary support for our mission. These projects are part of the vision of the Foundations for Christ, which believes in the development of our world and is determined to help our at-risk children, for they are the hope of a better tomorrow.